At present, the detection of finished parts is still based on visual detection by personnel at the end of the press line. Due to a large number of defects in the parts and the complex standards, the training period for the visual inspectors of this part is long and costly, and each person has a different understanding of the defect standards, which also results in inconsistent detection standards. This traditional detection method has become increasingly unsuitable for modern production.
The automatic coding system at the end of the line forms individual traceability of the pressed parts, which can be associated with stamping process information and defect information, while the QR code can be associated with the frame number to improve the traceability of the whole vehicle.

Stamping workshop - visual inspection system for end-of-line finished products
End-of-line visual inspection system
The camera matrix with AI detection replaces the visual detection of personnel while being able to inspect the product in its entirety, reducing the instability caused by the visual detection of personnel and unifying the detection standards through the equipment, reducing personnel usage and improving product quality.

Industrial cameras are set up in the assembly shop for the identification of QR codes, assembly steel numbers, and KNR numbers, and the collected information is generated into individual QR codes for product traceability.
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